
Which Cold Cream to use for acne ?

Have you ever come across Ponds Cold Cream for acne ? If not, then let me tell you that when you are following the new face wash/no chemicals method, your new face wash is " Cold cream ". Yes you heard it right. COLD CREAM for acne. Which is definitely not OIL FREE. And if you have acne, then how can you put something that is not oil free on your skin . You obviously won't. Yeah. These were exactly my thoughts when i first came across the idea of using cold cream to wash my face. I was literally in refutation. But when I did my research, then it all made sense to me. So I thought of giving it a shot thinking my skin couldn't get possibly any worse, right? What if this actually works... So now the question arises which cold cream to use? And will it cleanse your skin like a face wash ? No, it won't. Rather, It will cleanse even better ! Let me tell you how. So when I first started using this routine, I used Nivea cold cream because it was


If you have landed on this blog,  I assume you are looking for something to benefit your skin in a quick and effective way. If your search has come a long way, you probably have heard about Apple Cider Vinegar for cystic acne some day or the other. Be it in a youtube video or a blog post. When I first heard about ACV, I didn't buy it because the silly me was trying every kind of face wash at that time. So after a long time when I actually gave ACV a shot, it proved to be a magical potion for my skin. Lets know how ? Firstly what is Apple Cider Vinegar ? ACV is nothing but fermented apple juice and fermented foods are great for your health. And a healthy you means healthy skin. ACV has malic acid that helps in defending against virus, bacteria and fungus. It has Ash that balances pH. It has Alpha Hydroxy Acid  (AHA) that removes dead skin cells.  It also helps in preventing wrinkles and lines. BASICALLY IT BALANCES OUR SKIN ! So in my case when I stumbled up

Skincare routine for Acne Prone Skin

My skincare routine for acne is universal. Every skin type and skin tone will benefit from this. But the ones who will benefit the most are the dehydrated acne prone skin types. And by dehydrated skin I mean the following :   - Dull                                                                      - Stretchy   -  Dry after washing                                               - Oily T-zone   - Flaky                                                                   - Lifeless   - Acne                                                                    - Pigmentation   So lets get started with our Night Skincare Routine for Acne, first:   I wet my face a bit. And then dab some cold cream on my face and massage it well into the skin removing all my make up. Small circular motions are perfect. Check out Which cold cream to use to know more about cleansing with cold cream. If you don't want to use cold cream, you may use milk cream as well.                           

Best face wash for sensitive acne prone skin | No face wash method

Do you have trouble finding the best face wash for sensitive acne prone skin ? Have you ever noticed that face wash specially made for acne never seem to work ? Does your skin feel dry and stretchy after washing your face ? Do you feel the need to apply a moisturizer but you are scared to break out even more ? Is your skin becoming dull day by day ? Does your skin lack nourishment ? If yes, then stop putting chemicals on your face. I have transformed my skin from dry and dull to healthy and nourished. How ? Let’s see...  No face wash method aka best face wash for acne: Okay ! So don’t be disgusted,  I am not telling you to not wash your face at all. I am just telling you to not wash your face with face wash. But then what will you wash your face with ? Not long back when I was struggling with acne, my mom advised me to get away with all the face washes (Because I had LITERALLY tried all face washes to combat acne but my skin denied to improve.)  But I didn’t follow her advice a

My Acne Story ! How I Cleared My Acne.... An excerpt to my journey !

Years of struggle ? Frustrated with persistent acne ? Tried every product on the drugstore ? Tried all  face washes ? If the answer is yes, your acne story is similar to my acne story.  Before commencing with my first post and my acne story aka struggle, let me give you a brief description about my skin tone and skin type. Fair, sensitive, extremely acne prone, sometimes dry, sometimes oily. Basically a mess ! But finally I have succeeded to tame that mess into clear and healthy skin. So I had clear skin until high school. Never really  gave a thought towards skincare.  I simply used to wash my face with dove soap. My skin was unadulterated to chemicals. Then I turned 17 and fascinated by the fancy ads and claims of various face washes, switched to one of the most popular neem face wash. And out of the blue , a pimple popped up. After a few months, my face started to break out. But after an year, my face was a mess. In order to cure it, I t ried all face washes. You