How to Clear Acne Overnight ? My 5 Favourite Hacks !!!

The bad thing about pimples is that there’s no scheduled time to get a pimple. It can appear suddenly on a morning when you wake up. But what's even worse is that they pop up always on special occasions, like a party or a birthday , the night before a first date, a big interview, etc probably you all would agree with me. Breakout always seem to hit at the worst time possible. We’ve ALL been there. While dealing with acne, especially cystic acne, I found myself many a times sifting through the web searching for quick overnight remedies to reduce that bump. I tried a number of remedies, from antibiotics to over the counter medicines. Nothing worked. My face was no stranger to experimentation. Because when it comes to pimples, we’ve tried it all; the ointments, the expensive spot treatment products, the DIYs, the home remedies... EVERYTHING ! But, in these 4-5 years of me searching the internet for overnight acne remedies, and experimenting on my face, He...