Which Cold Cream to use for acne ?

Have you ever come across Ponds Cold Cream for acne ? If not, then let me tell you that when you are following the new face wash/no chemicals method, your new face wash is " Cold cream ". Yes you heard it right. COLD CREAM for acne. Which is definitely not OIL FREE. And if you have acne, then how can you put something that is not oil free on your skin . You obviously won't. Yeah. These were exactly my thoughts when i first came across the idea of using cold cream to wash my face. I was literally in refutation. But when I did my research, then it all made sense to me. So I thought of giving it a shot thinking my skin couldn't get possibly any worse, right? What if this actually works... So now the question arises which cold cream to use? And will it cleanse your skin like a face wash ? No, it won't. Rather, It will cleanse even better ! Let me tell you how. So when I first started using this routine, I used Nivea cold cream because it was...