DIY Moisturiser | Acne prone skin

Rosewater on acne and acne scars works as a wonderful toner. Also you can make two in one acne plus moisturizer with rosewater to apply on acne. To make Rosewater moisturizer for acne, you will require two main ingredients : Rose water Honey In this we won’t be using store bought rose water. We will make Rosewater at home. If you have bought rosewater of any brand, you would have certainly known the colour of rosewater to be light pink to transparent. But original, completely preservative free and natural rosewater is deep pink to reddish in colour. I was not aware of this until I made my own rosewater at home. So to make Rosewater you will need one cup of rose petals and half litre of purified water. METHOD : Just boil the water in a pan and when it boils completely, turn off the gas. Wash the rose petals to get rid of any dust. Now put them into the boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and let it cool. Afte...