This is how I keep myself happy during stressful and difficult days...

Okay, Ever wondered why we called our maths questions, 'Problems' ? I'll come back to that...
So like everybody else, I too have a normal life, which comprises of stressful days sometimes. An over demanding corporate job, struggle to keep my skin in control, the basic difficulties of life and heartbreaks. It is very easy to stress out on these things, sit back and cry. I too used to do that around 6-7 years back. However, today, that cry baby is not me. I tend to not stress on things and just keep myself happy and calm, even in the worst situations. This might sound a little hard to believe but when you will read this whole thing, it will all make sense to you.
Therefore, here are few things I do to keep myself happy and going when things seems to be tough:
- Own an optimistic mind-set: Whenever there's a problem in life, we tend to dwell over it and ask "Why me God?" But when I see others with much bigger problems than mine, I realize how blessed I am. When something good happens we never question why me, then why should we in the difficult times. The good days along with some bad days, that is life, right? Instead of ASKING why me, I TELL myself, this too shall pass.
- Learn from the problems: If there is a problem, I know there’s something to learn from it. Ever wondered why we called our maths questions 'Problems' ? Because we learn how to solve them. Okay... Lets give us ourselves 1 minute and recall a problem that came into our life recently or an encounter with a difficult person. What was our take away from it ? HUGE, right ? Now you know how to deal with it.
- Practice Gratitude: Instead of thinking what I do not have in life right now, I thank my life for what all I have. Because there are people who don’t even have the privilege of basic necessities. I have accepted the fact that we will never be satisfied. That's human nature. Today I want something, tomorrow when I achieve that I would want something bigger. That's normal. However, I never forget my grounds and how I have come a long way. Looking back years from now, what I wanted, I have all that today. And, I am grateful for that.
- Live in the present and let go the past : See, it’s very stressful if you keep yourself attached to your past. When I decided to let go of my burdens from the past, I became so much calm from within. Like literal PEACE. We all need to admit that we cannot be happy if we dwell on things and let them shackle us. We tend to overthink on all the things and indirectly ask our brains to torture us. But believe me you, it’s all our choice. To let go or not. I decided to and I’m happy. More than that I am at peace.
- Not worrying about what going to happen: Okay. This one’s is serious. I have a question for you all. Do we know what is in future for us ? Can we control it by over thinking ? Then why overthink...! Why think about something when we can actually see it happen? I do not let my mind think about what will happen now. Whether I will be selected or not? Whether I will be able to make it or not. Trust your instincts, trust your efforts, sit back, and watch. What has to happen will happen? Just go with flow. All will be well. Worrying will take you nowhere.
So, All in all, its all about the choices we make. Its our choice to stress over things or let it be and be happy. Just train your brain to be happy and positive and the world will seem a better and happy place.
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