Still fighting acne ? Here's why you are not winning ...

Here are 5 things you need to keep in mind to win over acne :-
- You wash your face twice a day : Washing your face more than once wipes away the natural oils of the skin, that protects the skin from bad bacteria. You should always limit washing your face to maximum ONCE a day. Yes, right. MAX once a day. Yes, Yes. ONCE. And not with a face wash, i mean not with a chemical face wash. Wash your face with BEST FACEWASH for acne.
- You are using fancy anti-acne face wash : Do you feel that, fancy anti-acne face wash specially designed for treating acne are always drying ? Yes ? Then why do you still use them ? Are they doing any good ? No. Always use mild cleansers which are nourishing and hydrating instead of the drying ones. The concept of anti-acne facewash is simple. Dry out the pimples. But you don’t apply facewash only on pimples. You apply on your whole face. And that dries out the face. Now dry skin on our face produces more oil in order to balance the skin moisture. That's why you should never use drying face washes.
- You are exfoliating too much : Do you abide by exfoliating twice a week ? Because you think that that will remove dead skin. Or simply because you have heard or read it somewhere. Always think by the logic. On a face with acne, should you ever be rubbing with granules ? When you have a cut or a bruise, do you rub that with scrubbers ? OUCH ! Right ? Then why scrub on acne ? It will make it worse, and doing it twice a week will double the damage. Instead, you can use mild chemical exfoliator like Apple Cider Vinegar Toner.
- You are not moisturizing enough : I can't stop emphasizing enough on the importance of moisturizer in a skincare routine for acne. When I speak about face wash drying out your skin, your skin becoming oily, leading to blackheads and acne, by all this I mean, you need to MOISTURIZE. Moisture is the key to life. Just slather yourself in moisturizer. Try DIY Rosewater Moisturizer.
- You are stressing to much on what to eat and what not to eat : I know there are tonnes of articles mentioning 'Cut out dairy to clear your acne'. There are numerous people telling you to 'cut out sugar to get a clear skin', and there are illogical notions of 'keto diet', 'paleo diet', cutting chocolates, coffee, wheat, gluten, meat, eggs, basically cut everything and starve. But the truth is you don't need to cut anything out to clear your acne until and unless you are allergic to something. Don't believe me ? Okay. Does your grandmother have clear skin ? Does she follow any particular diet ? Do you have friends who literally binge on anything and everything that cunts as junk food and still have flawless skin ? Have you tried cutting out things from your diet and still have acne ? Probably yes, that's why you are here, reading this. Then why and how can cutting dairy or chocolates or wheat and blah, cure your acne ? Just eat healthy and don't stress on anything else.
Everything very true. But sometimes just eating healthy is really not enogh. Cause everyone defines healthy different and sometimes acne is caused by food sensitivitys. It can be really helpful to cut out dairy or gluten for a month or so to see if it makes a difference. In general if you have acne you should eat as little dairy, sugar, omega 6 rich oils and wheat as you possibly can just to be sure your diet doesn’t make your acne worse. If your skin is clearing up you can slowly start to eat more of these things and see if your skin stays clear or gets bad again.
ReplyDeleteyes luisa. you are absolutely correct. Agree with you totally.
DeleteAlso you have to understand people are different. Yes some people eat really unhealthy and don’t get acne, but they might have a whole different health overall. If you have acne your body isn’t completely healthy and diet plays a big role in getting healthy. There are numerous people who cleared their acne with diet. That’s why I can’t agree with what you said a 100% and you should overthink it. Of course not all acne is caused by diet or cured by diet, but it often plays a bigger role than most people think.
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DeleteAcne is caused by bacteria that live on the surface of the skin. This bacteria feeds off dead skin cells, causing inflammation. There are several types of acne, including comedonal, inflammatory, and cystic acne. Consult the best dermatologist in Coimbatore for acne treatment.