
Best face wash for sensitive acne prone skin | No face wash method

Do you have trouble finding the best face wash for sensitive acne prone skin ? Have you ever noticed that face wash specially made for acne never seem to work ? Does your skin feel dry and stretchy after washing your face ? Do you feel the need to apply a moisturizer but you are scared to break out even more ? Is your skin becoming dull day by day ? Does your skin lack nourishment ? If yes, then stop putting chemicals on your face. I have transformed my skin from dry and dull to healthy and nourished. How ? Let’s see...  No face wash method aka best face wash for acne: Okay ! So don’t be disgusted,  I am not telling you to not wash your face at all. I am just telling you to not wash your face with face wash. But then what will you wash your face with ? Not long back when I was struggling with acne, my mom advised me to get away with all the face washes (Because I had LITERALLY tried all face washes to combat acne but my skin denied to improve.)  But I didn’t follow her advice a

My Acne Story ! How I Cleared My Acne.... An excerpt to my journey !

Years of struggle ? Frustrated with persistent acne ? Tried every product on the drugstore ? Tried all  face washes ? If the answer is yes, your acne story is similar to my acne story.  Before commencing with my first post and my acne story aka struggle, let me give you a brief description about my skin tone and skin type. Fair, sensitive, extremely acne prone, sometimes dry, sometimes oily. Basically a mess ! But finally I have succeeded to tame that mess into clear and healthy skin. So I had clear skin until high school. Never really  gave a thought towards skincare.  I simply used to wash my face with dove soap. My skin was unadulterated to chemicals. Then I turned 17 and fascinated by the fancy ads and claims of various face washes, switched to one of the most popular neem face wash. And out of the blue , a pimple popped up. After a few months, my face started to break out. But after an year, my face was a mess. In order to cure it, I t ried all face washes. You