This is how I keep myself happy during stressful and difficult days...

I think we all want to be happy, that's our basic goal. However, how do we achieve that ? Okay, Ever wondered why we called our maths questions, 'Problems' ? I'll come back to that... So like everybody else, I too have a normal life, which comprises of stressful days sometimes. An over demanding corporate job, struggle to keep my skin in control, the basic difficulties of life and heartbreaks. It is very easy to stress out on these things, sit back and cry. I too used to do that around 6-7 years back. However, today, that cry baby is not me. I tend to not stress on things and just keep myself happy and calm, even in the worst situations. This might sound a little hard to believe but when you will read this whole thing, it will all make sense to you. Therefore, here are few things I do to keep myself happy and going when things seems to be tough: Own an optimistic mind-set: Whenever there's a problem in life, we tend to dwell over it an...